We GO & SEND so that ALL can hear.
We are Jesus' plan to send the Gospel message to the ends of the earth. The central theme of our existence is built around Matthew 28:19. It’s not fair that some get to hear the Gospel message over and over while others have never heard. Missions exists so "ALL CAN HEAR" this message. Fulfilling this mission includes going and sending. We would like to introduce you to just a few.
We partner with caring ministries around the world.

The Fire Bible is a Full Life Study Bible. Currently, there are more than 26 language editions, with at least 31 more in development.
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These Bibles are often the first biblical resource to be placed in the hands of people who do not know Christ. Often, people who experience the Gospel in remote places do not have access to a Bible in their native language. These new, unequipped pastors start house churches with only the verbal message they heard and no Bible to study and teach from. The Fire Bible provides these pastors with a Pentecostal Library. It contains 77 themed articles, a concordance, 45 maps and charts, introductions to each book of the Bible, and Pentecostal study notes in their own language.

Metroplex Women’s Clinic (MWC) is a faith-based, medical non-profit serving those facing pregnancy-related and sexual health issues by offering physical, emotional and spiritual support, and empowering them to make healthy and life-affirming decisions.
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MWC has no financial gain from their clients and all of their services are free of charge. They include: pregnancy testing; limited ultrasound; options counseling; referrals for adoption, medical, social and spiritual needs; material assistance through Arlington ReSale and Baby Club; post-abortion support classes. Our Outreach Team serves at the Arlington ReSale stores every third Saturday of the month.

Journey To Hope has been engaged in the Human trafficking battle of Moldova lead by missionaries John & Andriana Lungu for several years.
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They are transforming Moldova by equipping the new generation with leadership skills and reaching the abused and potentially trafficked through education, awareness and advocacy. Here is just one story of may affected through education in public schools.

In Haiti, the need for Clean water is wide-spread. Most fresh water sources have been polluted due to the poor sanitation systems.
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More than half of the deaths in Haiti are due to water-borne diseases. With this in mind, we partner with Doug Eccles and his ministry, Holy Ghost Celebration Ministry, as they are drilling wells every Month to help the hundreds of thousands affected by lack of safe drinking water. Many of the wells are being drilled on church property making the local church the place where the whole city goes for water. At other times, we have been asked by the mayor and local officials if we can help with bringing clean water to their cities. You can sponsor a well for as little as $1,500. If you cannot contribute the whole amount, you can partner with others in giving toward this project.

We partner with Assemblies of God World missions through The Church Multiplication Network (CMN). CMN is dedicated to planting healthy, Spirit-empowered churches in every community in the United States.
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To accomplish this goal, CMN collaborates with church multipliers to effectively equip, strategically fund, and innovatively network new faith communities. CMN is the church planting arm of the Assemblies of God (AG). The AG has been the largest international church planting movement over the last 20 years, now with more than 312,000 churches worldwide and has planted over 2,700 churches in America over the last 10 years.
The Grace Place has helped to launch:
• Lifegate Church - Burleson, TX (2005)
• Relevant Life Church - Lewisville, TX (2007)
• Seven Cities Church - Fort Worth, TX (2010)
• The Grace Place NYC - New York City, NY (2015)
The Grace Place has helped to launch:
• Lifegate Church - Burleson, TX (2005)
• Relevant Life Church - Lewisville, TX (2007)
• Seven Cities Church - Fort Worth, TX (2010)
• The Grace Place NYC - New York City, NY (2015)

Convoy of Hope has helped more than 79 million people throughout the world by sharing food, water, emergency supplies, agricultural know-how, and opportunities that empower people to live independent lives.
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Convoy of Hope does this by mobilizing tens of thousands of volunteers each year and partnering with churches, businesses, individuals and other humanitarian organization who are intent on doing good work among the impoverished and suffering.

The Phased IN Project helps build a home for teens in the transitional living program for emancipated foster youth. 1,500 youth "phase out" of the foster care system each year in the state of Texas alone.
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Half of those young people will be homeless after their 18th birthday. About the same number will enter a life of drug or alcohol addiction. Many of the girls will end up pregnant before their 20th birthday. It has become such an epidemic that the prison systems of America base their future population on the number of youth who "phase out" of foster care.The goal of Phased IN is to assist these young adults in learning basic life skills that will prepare them for independent living. Phased IN will provide housing, education, medical care and life skills training through an 18-month program. With the combined partnership of the church, the community, and the State of Texas, Phased IN will embrace these youths who were never adopted to ensure that these young adults achieve self-sufficiency and stability. Finally, Phased IN will provide the most vital and missing dynamic in the lives of these young adults - family.

Pleasant Hills Children's Home helps provide care for children and families who are neglected, homeless or orphans. Through Spiritual care, academic tutoring, social/character development, and healthy physically development PHCH care's for the whole person.
We spread the love of Christ around the world.
Every year, our church offers a different mission trip. Through the years, we have been to Haiti, Moldova, The Philippines, Belize, Nicaragua, and some of our large, unreached cities in the US like, New York City and Los Angeles.